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Sports Injury Treatment in Rochester, NY

Sports Medicine at Greater Rochester Orthopaedics focuses on meeting the diagnostic and treatment needs of both serious and recreational athletes. We understand the role activity plays in keeping our patients fit and are dedicated to helping them get back to their activity.

We pride ourselves on our commitment to understanding the goals and motivation “driving” individuals in their sports or performance activities. At GRO, we consider this essential in determining how quickly and what type of intervention is implemented, how performance and recuperation should be monitored and what comprehensive rehabilitation plan is needed. Our goal is the safe restoration of function as well as minimizing or preventing de-conditioning of unaffected anatomy or structures by neglect or inactivity. 

We provide a range of diagnostic approaches that includes access to MRI, Ultrasound, X-ray, CT and DEXA as well as treatment options including exercise, therapeutic procedures and surgery.

At GRO, we treat a wide variety of sports related conditions and injuries. The following is a listing of the more common conditions and injuries that we treat:


Request a Sports Medicine Appointment

The highly trained sports medicine doctors at Greater Rochester Orthopaedics have extensive experience diagnosing and treating sports injuries. Call  (585) 295-5476 to request an appointment at one of our orthopaedic offices in the Rochester area.

Orthopedic Urgent Care

Sprain or broken bone? Avoid the ER