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Orthopaedic Urgent Care in Rochester

In order to better serve our patients, we offer urgent care services by appointment between the hours of 8:30 AM – 7 PM Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 8:30 AM – 4 PM Tuesday and Thursday.

Orthopaedic urgent care for when you need it

Let the caring orthopaedic experts at Greater Rochester Orthopaedics Urgent Care center quickly fix all of your family’s muscular and skeletal sprains, pops, twists and breaks. From skateboard accidents to sidewalk trips, Greater Rochester Orthopaedics is your number one choice.

Visit Urgent Care for:

Wait minutes, not hours for care.

Avoid the typical hospital Emergency Room delay and come to Greater Rochester Orthopaedics Urgent Care for your orthopaedic emergencies. You’ll get prompt attention from a dedicated orthopaedic provider. The cost is typically less than an emergency room visit, and most insurance plans are accepted.

Physician Assistants at Greater Rochester Orthopaedics Urgent Care

Choose Greater Rochester Orthopaedics Urgent Care for quicker care!

  • Faster than the Emergency Room
  • Caring Orthopaedic experts
  • Costs are typically less than the ER

Each orthopaedic location has same day available appointment times Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

Call 585-295-5350 for orthopaedic urgent care appointments.